Fun Meetings

A woman with sunglasses on and smiling.

Virtual meetings have become a daily occurrence, filling our schedules from morning till evening. Unfortunately, most meetings end up being, let’s face it, quite boring. This equally applies to brainstorming sessions and workshops that aim to be engaging but end up being just an extended version of the typical Zoom call. As a result, people…

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Sending Patients Across Borders

A close up of the japanese passport stamp.

Medical tourism has been a long-standing practice that emerged due to the necessity of seeking healthcare services outside of one’s country, often due to insufficient local healthcare options. This is frequently associated with an out-of-pocket payment model, where patients cover the treatment costs themselves, limiting access to a small fraction of individuals. In the case…

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“It’s Simply Too Difficult”

A group of people sitting around a large poster.

A major impact fund recently expressed their decision to cease investing in emerging healthcare businesses in developing markets, citing the immense difficulties involved. The healthcare industry has always been characterized by complex regulations, lengthy development timelines, high risks, and challenging monetization prospects. While this complexity holds true in developed countries, it is even more pronounced…

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“We can make a deal but we don’t have to.”

A close up of some chess pieces on the board

Many emerging biotechs plan to partner with large pharma companies to advance their innovative portfolios, recognizing the challenges of building commercial and clinical development organizations from scratch. The potential issue with this approach is that the biotech’s ability to progress becomes highly reliant on another company’s willingness to make a deal, which is subject to…

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