Select Case Studies

Below are selected examples of work performed by the Akimbo team. Contact us for a more detailed and tailored overview of our team’s expertise and track record.


GTM Model Design

Led the creation of a new product launch strategy in a specialty care market. Established key strategic pillars for the go-to-market (GTM) model. Explored various GTM options, assessing their strategic, financial, and operational trade-offs. Collaborated with company leadership to select the preferred model and finalized the detailed go-to-market recommendations including organizational size, structure and hiring sequence.

Portfolio Strategy

Collaborated with an emerging biotech to create a strategic indication prioritization framework. Assessed a longlist of potential indications based on secondary data. Led cross-functional working sessions to establish a shortlist. Conducted expert interviews to validate the shortlist. Developed a high-level business case and clinical development considerations for the prioritized shortlist of indications.

Gene Therapy Commercial Case

Performed secondary and primary market research to understand the commercial opportunity for a potentially curative gene therapy. Explored the likely positioning and usage scenarios based on discussions with clinical thought leaders. Explored realistic pricing scenarios through payer interviews. Quantified the commercial case in the form of a revenue forecast.

Claims Analytics

Analyzed US claims datasets including diagnostic and Rx claims to understand the size and structure of the customer universe in a rare disease. Segmented the HCP and account universe based on patient and script volume and developed deciles. Leveraged patient-level claims to analyze referral pathways from the community to prescribing institutions. Recommended an overall targeting strategy for the field team.

Clinical Development Plan

A biotech developing a potential first-in-class gene therapy sought to understand the clinical trial design for its lead indication. Performed interviews with clinicians to understand the eligible patient population. Mapped out clinical and pre-clinical evidence required to support future prescribing. Translated the evidence requirement into a concrete development plan.

Stakeholder Engagement Planning

Assisted a biotech client in devising an impactful pre-launch stakeholder engagement strategy. Utilized secondary and primary market research to pinpoint key opinion leaders and influencers. Established an engagement framework to identify the right experts for various activities. Crafted a tactical engagement plan outlining the ‘who, when, and how’ of the engagement process.


Impact Investing Due Diligence

Supported an NGO who was starting an impact investment practice in evaluating its first cohort of potential investments. Conducted secondary research to understand the market context and opportunities. Engaged with the company's leadership to understand the operations in detail. Analyzed the financial performance and future business plan. Provided the NGO with a comprehensive 'red flag assessment' and investment recommendation.

Regional Strategy and Action Planning in SSA

Assisted a prominent healthcare NGO in designing and executing a partnership with a pharma company in Sub-Saharan Africa. Assisted in organizing a co-creation workshop to establish partnership priorities and tactics. Formed a partnership action plan and provided support for implementation tracking and follow-up.

NGO Partnering and Fundraising Strategy

Guided an NGO specializing in patient support services in formulating a corporate partnership strategy. Defined potential partnership options and strategies. Compiled a list of prospective corporate partners for proactive outreach. Assisted the NGO in crafting compelling outreach materials and facilitated select meetings.